Would you date someone fat, would you date a transgender person? To be honest, people's answers are different from one to another, but I've met so many people who would say they are willing to date transgender people. Are you open enough to date a transgender person? It is just a matter of preference. We cannot control the preference of other people, and we cannot control who they are attracted to. When talking about the dating preference, it is necessary to talk about transgender dating, or in other words, will you date a trans person?
Not everyone can accept have tranny date with transgender people, so some people's answer t this question is no. I'm so sorry that there are some people cannot accept dating transgender people, but I can really understand them, just I've said it is only a matter of dating preference. I think the main reason why some people cannot accept dating transgender people, especially transgender women is that they don't know whether they are real women or not. For some people, the main concern of dating a transgender person is the body feature. They would never date a man with female feature, or a woman with male feature. This is also the biggest challenge for transgender people without transitioning surgery. However, I don't think it can be the main concern. If you want to date a transgender person, you should clear that transgender people are different from ordinary people in some aspects, and that is the point makes them special in ts dating.
There is a certain number of people who are willing to date transgender people. They are open enough to accept dating trans men and women. Thanks to their support and understanding on transgender people, life for trans people is better than before. Transgender women are especially welcomed by open-minded guys over the year. Many guys are looking for beautiful trans girls for dating and hookup online, meanwhile, transgender girls online are open-minded to meet and date cisgender guys. These girls are more and more confident to make friends with other cisgender people. It is a great change for tgirls. They need more friends and partners to support them.
Another concern of dating trans girls is that does it mean you are gay if you date a trans girl? Never mind that misunderstanding. Dating a trans girl never mean you are gay. As I've said before, it is only a matter of dating preference. We cannot control who we are attracted to, and who is attracted to us. If you want to have a long-lasting relationship with trans people, you should have a better understanding on trans people and trans dating firstly. We cannot change other people's opinions easily, and it is also impossible to avoid misunderstandings on trans people, but we cannot easily change our minds.
No matter you can accept trans hookup or not, I hope you can at least respect all trans people you meet. They are normal individuals as everyone of us, they should be respected and loved by everyone around them.